
Report: Internet Filtering in Bahrain in 2004-2005
PDF Version 1. Executive Summary 2. Political, Technical, and Legal Context in Bahrain A. Sensitive / Controversial Topics for Media Coverage B. Internet Infrastructure and Access C. Legal Background 3. Testing Methodology A. Methods B. Results Analysis C. Methods Specific to...
Report: Internet Filtering in Iran in 2004-2005: A Country Study
PDF Version 1. Executive Summary 2. Political, Technical, and Legal Context in Iran A. Internet Infrastructure and Access B. Media Regulation C. Internet Access Regulation D. Internet Content Regulation 3. Testing Methodology A. Methods B. Results Analysis C. Methods Specific to...
ONI Blog: Filtering by South Korean Government of Pro-North Korean Websites
Major internet service providers in South Korea were ordered by the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) to block domestic access to 31 websites considered to be carrying propaganda favoring the North Korean regime. Tests undertaken by the ONI in December 2004...
Report: Collateral Blocking: Filtering by South Korean Government of Pro-North Korean Websites
OpenNet Initiative: Bulletin 009 January 31, 2005 Last Updated: January 31, 2005 Contents: - Background - Methodology & Results - Observations - About the OpenNet Initiative Background Major internet service providers in South Korea were ordered by the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) to block...
ONI Blog: Filtering by Domestic Blog Providers in China
The Chinese government has focused increasing attention on the control of blogs; three major blog providers have implemented a filtering mechanism to control the content of blog posts. If a sensitive keyword is present in a blog entry the filtering mechanism is...
Report: Filtering by Domestic Blog Providers in China
OpenNet Initiative Bulletin 008 January 14, 2005 Last Updated: January 20, 2005 Contents: - Background - Methodology & Results - Conclusions Background Weblogs, most often called "blogs" have become one of the fastest growing segments of the Internet. The idea is simple: blogs allow...
ONI Blog: Internet Filtering in Saudi Arabia in 2004
The OpenNet Initiative has just released a new study documenting Internet filtering in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ONI researchers tested over 60,000 Web addresses during a three-year period and found that the most aggressive censorship focused on pornography (98% of...
ONI Blog: Geolocation filtering: blocked during run-up to election
The ONI connected to remote computers located in fifty countries* around the world and requested the website,, so that the geolocation filtering software used to restrict access to the website would respond as if we were physically located in each of...
Report: Geolocation filtering: blocked during run-up to election
OpenNet Initiative Bulletin 007 October 27, 2004 Last Updated: October 27, 2004 Contents: - Background - Methodology & Results - Conclusions Background The BBC, using data collected by Netcraft, reports that since Monday October 25th 2004, the official website of the Bush-Cheney campaign website...
Report: Internet Filtering in Saudi Arabia in 2004
1. Introduction and Executive Summary A. Summary B. Our Research C. Blocking Patterns In Saudi Arabia D. Overblocking E. Conclusion 2. Overview of the Internet and Filtering in Saudi Arabia A. History B. Control Infrastructure C. Banned Content D. Transparency in...
